Import your trades from Interactive Brokers, Etrade, TradeKing, and many others into TurboTax and H&R Block!
Does your broker leave you stranded when the tax man comes calling? While some brokers
do offer seamless integration with tax preparation software, others still do not. And even those that do require you to enter
your username and password! Plus, if you're an active trader with more than about 2500 trades, the direct
import will fail anyway!
Fortunately, there is a way around these issues. Most brokers offer a download of your capital gains transactions in an Excel compatible format (.csv or .xls). And therein lies the solution! With the help of a simple, easy to use program, your transactions will go from your spreadsheet to your tax software in a matter of minutes!
Excel2TXF Features
- The software has been fully updated to support the new Schedule D and Form 8949 changes!
- Converts your Excel file (.csv or .xls) from your broker to a TXF file, which can be easily imported into TurboTax and H&R Block At Home.
- The whole process usually only takes a few minutes from start-to-finish!
- The easy-to-use software employs a "Wizard" style format to guide you through each step of the process.
- Supports downloads from over 70 brokers! Instructions for downloading your trades from specific brokers can be found here.
- No limits on the number of trades to be converted!
- For brokers which provide only a download of individual trades, Excel2TXF will automatically match up individual buy & sell trades, and report unmatched trades from potentially missing or incomplete data.
- Optional consolidation of multiple daily trades for active traders, which is particularly useful for individuals with over 3,000 trades (both TurboTax and H&R Block have a 3,000 trade limit, though it's really more like 2500).
- Optional feature to add wash sale adjustments! (be sure to read the instruction dialogue presented when the wash sale adjustment checkbox is selected)
The cost of the software is a mere $5.00, and your satisfaction is guaranteed! To purchase this program just choose from one of the three buying options below and then click on the Paypal "Add to Cart" button. Paypal is the payment system owned by Ebay, and is safe, secure, and easy to use (and you don't need a Paypal account to make a one-time payment!). After payment is made, click on the orange "Complete Purchase" button on the Paypal page to be redirected through my download service (e-junkie) to a page where you can download the software. You'll also receive a confirmation email with a link to the download page in case you're not able to complete the download immediately after paying.
If you're a little hesitant about downloading software from the web, or just don't want to deal with it, consider our Full-Service option, where you'll just send us your file(s), and we'll take care of everything!
Choose from three purchasing options for every type of user!
- Our most popular option!
- Runs as a macro and integrates directly into Excel.
- Easy point-and-click selection and verification of input data.
- Requires Excel 2000 or later on a PC, or Excel 2011 on a Mac.
- Perfect for Mac, Linux, OpenOffice, and PC users without Excel.
- Stand-alone java executable - no installation required.
- Requires Java 1.5 or later (free download from java.com - you probably already have it installed).
- Don't want to deal with more software? Let us do the work for you!
- We'll convert your broker download(s) to TXF files.
- Over 15 years of experience with files from over 70 brokers!
- Includes personal error checking and a test import for verification.
- TXF file(s) will be emailed to you within 24 hours!
Answers to some frequently asked questions can be found here. For other questions or comments, send us an email.
Please note: the software license for the purchasing options above is for non-professional, individual household use. For use in a professional environment (accountants, tax preparers, etc.), please purchase one copy per client, or contact us for bulk pricing.
A few testimonials from some satisfied customers:
"This is a nice little utility for a nice little price. I used it to create a txf file of 72 capital gain transactions to import into TurboTax and it worked perfectly." -- S. Carruthers
"Great product you have!! Best $5 I've spent in a long time. Perhaps since I was about 9." -- J. Barrett
"Performs exactly as described and is as easy to use as can be. A real time saver. Once run, the trades are processed in a flash and the seamless import into turbotax was just as quick. Thanks!" -- D. Chen
"Thank you, that program is great, it was a lifesave, I am a cpa and it helped me out greatly." -- A. Mudryk
"This is a great tool, especially for the price and literally saved me hours of manual data entry." -- B. Rudich
"Excellent - it's done already ! Great macro...thanks!" -- G. Chernosky
"Great job and wonderful service!" -- B. Chen
"You are my hero! What took me hours to do the last several years was now done during a commercial. Thank you for the Excel to TFX macro!" -- R. Gustafson
"THANKS a lot!!!! I really love the utility. It literally saved hours and hours of data entry time! Your excel macro has the maximum utility value for the cheap $5.00 and it is worth every penny. Thanks again." -- M. Ganesan
"... [The macros] not only generated TXF files for loading into TurboTax, but they also caught problems with the data (e.g., unmatched transactions) that we almost certainly wouldn't have recognized had we just printed out the material from the finanancial institution web sites and filed a paper return." -- C. Curtis, Newton, MA